Why Georgia Overland?

In a word, Connectivity. I wish to find all open and legal, unpaved roads in Georgia. The goal is to create a network of dirt, gravel or unimproved roads and trails across Georgia. My focus is on North Georgia, though the project is open to any roads in the state that meet the criteria, and will likely include portions of NW South Carolina, SW North Carolina, SE Tennessee and NE Alabama. If you have a favorite legal trail, track or route you wish to share, and you have no reservations offering it up freely to the world, send an email my way.

Enjoy the journey,


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Would you prefer a .kmz file or a .gpx file? Up to this point, I have used the KML/KMZ file formats almost exclusively. The Keyhole Markup Language format works well when viewing the roads and features in Google Earth or Google Maps. However, I know that many of you may find it handy to have a .gpx file available. Here's your chance...let me know what you need. Should I offer a gpx file along with my usual kml/kmz? Do you prefer to handle the .gpx file conversion yourself?


  1. Whatever you give me will be just fine. Your leading the next run anyhow.

  2. Yessir. Have a good time in Chile!

  3. Why not provide both?

  4. Thanks for the comment! I intend to provide a .gpx file, along with the .kmz file, for each section. I still need to make another pass at cleaning up and standardizing the previously captured data for consistency purposes. Send me an email if you have a particular section you would like in the .gpx format.

  5. David... providing the GPX file would be a tremendous help to people like myself who are just figuring out how to use the information you are providing with vehicle navigation. I have been using a free converter, but it will only allow a VERY limited amount of data from your tracks to be converted. (it only allows 3 waypoints per file, etc. You have to buy their pro version to get more.) Unless you know of a free/easy to use converter?

    Clueless in Decatur... (James - Stump - Clegg)

  6. Hey James,

    Great to hear from you! A few of the applications that I've tinkered with are http://www.gpsvisualizer.com , http://www.gpsbabel.org/index.html , http://www.gps-data-team.com/convert.php. There are more. I still have not found a quick and easy application for converting my .kmz files and retaining some of the important information automatically. Once I get the route nailed down, I will provide a complete set in a variety of formats. But if I come up with something in the meantime, I'll send you an email. See you next month!

  7. Hello. Whether you need a gpx or km/kml file, you'll probably find useful a free converter tool. Check out gpx2kml.com to convert your files, it works in both ways, simple and easy to use, no need for downloads or install.


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