Why Georgia Overland?

In a word, Connectivity. I wish to find all open and legal, unpaved roads in Georgia. The goal is to create a network of dirt, gravel or unimproved roads and trails across Georgia. My focus is on North Georgia, though the project is open to any roads in the state that meet the criteria, and will likely include portions of NW South Carolina, SW North Carolina, SE Tennessee and NE Alabama. If you have a favorite legal trail, track or route you wish to share, and you have no reservations offering it up freely to the world, send an email my way.

Enjoy the journey,


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Updated ArcGIS Online Application

Hello All,

I have updated the ArcGIS Online Map to show all the features and linework that represent the East-West Traverse across North Georgia.  The map contains over three hundred features and many, many miles of dirt and gravel to explore. Special thanks to my good friend Daniel over at Decatur Garage for the 'East-West Traverse' name! Soon I will offer the data available for download in a variety of formats, beyond the current .kmz files. In the meantime, enjoy the new map!


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